How Aromatherapy can help you to alleviate your chronic Pain?

You may want to find alternative remedies for relief if medications do not ease your pain. Natural Essential oils may be a natural way of alleviating pain. Essential oils are substances that are highly scented and made from the petals, stems, roots or other parts of plants. The steam distillation typically extracts them from the plant.

The hundred-year-old technique, these Pure Aromatherapy Natural Oils can improve physical, emotional and mental well-being. Each type of oil has a unique aroma and advantages. These oils may be used separately or as mixtures.

Researchers have found evidence that certain symptoms, such as inflammation, headaches, depression, and sleep problems can be treated by certain oils. The addition of essential oils to your existing pain management plan does not normally harm you. In pain alleviation, the following essential oils can be used:

Lavender Oil

Based on a study, lavender essential oil may be used to treat pain after a tonsillectomy in children. Lavender inhaling can reduce their daily post-operative acetaminophen dose.

Rose oil

Many women suffer during menstruation from abdominal cramping. The pain associated with periods when combined with conventional treatment has been demonstrated to be soothed by essential oil aromatherapy.

Research from Trusted Sources suggest that aromatherapy with rose oil is possible in combination with conventional treatment to ease the pain caused by kidney stones.


Neuropathic pain which is often resistant to opioid pain medication is treated with the use of Bergamot essential oil aromatherapy. This therapy has been shown to reduce neuropathic pain with results.

In a study, researchers found that the blend of essential oils was effective in reducing the severity and duration of menstrual pain. The participants massaged their lower bowels each day with a cream that included lavender, clary sage and marjoram.

How can I use pain relief essential oils?

Make sure your chosen essential oil is diluted using a carrier oil. Undiluted essential oil can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin.

Generally, a few drops of essential oil only have to be used. The dose can vary, but a good rule is for every table-spoon of your carriers to add about 10 drops of essential oil.

Do a skin patch test to check its effects on your skin before using a new essential oil. Rub on the inside of your forearm, the diluted oil. If you have no irritation or discomfort within 24-48 hours, your use of the oil should be safe.

Massaging Diluted essential oils can help loosen the muscles and relieve pain. You can massage yourself or choose a professional massage with essential oils.


Fill a diffuser with a few drops of your essential oil and inhale the vapour in a closed chamber. For this method, no carrier oil is required.

You could fill a bowl or plug the sink with hot water if you don’t have a diffuser. Fill the water with a few drops of the essential oil. Lean over the bowl or sink, put a towel on your head and breathe in your steam. Up to 10 minutes can be spent.

Hot baths

You can also have an essential oils hot bath. To dissolve the essential oil, add five drops in one ounce of carrier oil (the amount of drops could vary according to the type of essential oil). The hot water vapour can provide additional aromatherapy. Avoid extremely hot baths, as it may be dizzy.

Thus, we have seen in detail, how the Pure Aromatherapy Natural Oils can reduce or cure your pain. You can also try out these Natural essential oils and feel the difference.

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